Where do I go from here?

“If the Lord had not been on our side (let all Israel admit it), if the Lord had not been on our side, we would have been swallowed alive by our enemies, destroyed by their anger. We would have drowned beneath the flood of these men’s fury and pride. Blessed be Jehovah who has not let them devour us. We have escaped with our lives as a bird from a hunter’s snare. The snare is broken and we are free. Our help is from the Lord who made heaven and earth.”
Psalm 124:1-8

Life can be very intriguing one minute you have answers, then the next, you feel stuck. You start crying and saying to God, ‘Help me, Where do I go from here? As much as we desire to have answers to all our problems, like a navigational system, we input in our secret desires and expect it to direct us to the exact destination. The truth of the matter is, life is not designed that way. Yes, answers are available, but can sometimes not be accessible. As children depend on their parents, also are grown-ups to depend on the wisdom of God to lead us through life’s journey. To carry and sustain us when we get to a place of despair, where we absolutely do not know what to do, that is when we must trust Him.

Pro. 3:5-6 (PRB) “If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don’t ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success.”

Absolute obedience to the master is a must! Obedience to His instruction and direction. The navigational system sometimes takes you to the wrong location, because it is not perfect. It’s an electronic device, humanly designed and electrically operated. On the other hand, God is all-knowing, perfect in all His ways and doings. He is dependable and trustworthy. His instructions may not make sense to you, but like Mary’s response in Luke 1:34, that must be your answer.

Whenever we feel stuck and do not know what to do, fear creeps in. Fear is a powerful weapon that must not be allowed to take root! The reason is, it does not come into one’s life alone, it comes in with an entourage of hopelessness, discouragement, suicidal thoughts, and inability to live!
Fear will whisper to you, “throw in the towel”. However, FAITH a more powerful weapon can lift you high above any circumstance. Your faith in God will keep you dependent upon HIM to give you clarity on what and how to do it. We cannot see or hear from God outside of
faith. Faith will produce answers in place of despair. Faith will move you forward instead of keeping you stuck in the mud of fear. Faith will release help from above, rather than letting you throw in the towel. It is exigent to know that feeling stuck sometimes can be a good thing. For without these events many will make a wreck of themselves. We cannot continue to run all over the place in pursuit of our desires. There is a need for us to always take time out to seek the counsel of God. The wisdom of God we have will safely guide us as we proceed and will help us to avoid unnecessary headaches. Spending quality time with God in the Word, in Prayer and Worship will cause an increase of strength, anointing, favor, and understanding of purpose to run a successful race.

Where do we go from here? The Lord has the answer, so take it to Him. In John 15:5, Jesus clearly declares to us that, until we remain connected to Him at all times, we will always be short of what we are pursuing. It does not matter the situation you find yourself, it may look like a dead end. Go back to the Lord. Ask for mercy for where you have missed His instruction. Ask for direction. Always lay everything at His feet. Do not be in a hurry to leave His presence. One of the secrets to receiving from God is time. You must be willing to give Him quality time. He will come through for you. You will be renewed. You will see it and hear it again.
Your help is from the Lord who made heaven and earth.

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